Updated Fedora Workstation PRD draft

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org
Thu Nov 28 01:50:52 UTC 2013

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 08:30:51PM -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:

> Your last sentence ('rough edges that would dissuade a non-technical
> user') could almost be read as a description of the current Fedora
> releases.

Absolutely. We've done an awful job of providing a cohesive desktop 
operating system that's usable by mere mortals. I've just reinstalled 
Windows on my wife's laptop because Fedora had managed to sufficiently 
fuck up a stable upgrade that even I couldn't get things back into a 
reasonable state. Fixing that is vital for us to have any kind of user 
base at all.

> My expectation is that we will have to put most of the attention on the
> 'satisfactory experience for casual home users' initially, before we
> even get to adding any of the 'marketable developer features', as the
> prd draft calls it.

If that was expressed in the PRD then I'd be completely happy. I'm not 
suggesting that satisfying developer requirements is a bad idea, just 
that describing developers as our primary focus will lead to people 
assuming that Fedora isn't for them.

> It has to work first, before you can add bells and whistles.

Entirely agreed.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org

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