Application is ready notification

Florian Müllner fmuellner at
Mon Dec 15 20:06:23 UTC 2014

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 8:08 PM, drago01 <drago01 at> wrote:
> That's a bug ... the "new mail" notification action should supply a
> correct timestamp.

Unfortunately it doesn't (regardless of whether the application uses
libnotify/ notifications or the newer Gtk+/GIO API), so
applications that present a window in response to the action can't do
anything but using CURRENT_TIME as timestamp. For GTK+ applications,
it gets worse though - GTK+ will helpfully fill in the last-known user
time in that case, which will always be older than the timestamp of
the event that activated the notification action (because that is
handled by shell/clutter, which bypasses GTK+ completely).
To fix that, as far as I can see we would either need protocol changes
for both notifications APIs, or start injecting at least some event
times from the shell into GTK+ (and possibly other toolkits). Neither
is a terribly convincing option I'm afraid :-(

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