DE discussion summary

Alex GS alxgrtnstrngl at
Tue Feb 11 12:42:20 UTC 2014

> But we are not a company (like Google or Apple), we are a community
> project. So the data we want to make a decision like this shouldn't be
> just from users, but also about contributors. If most of our
> contributors are putting most of their time in a DE project, then you
> have your answer.

Google makes a good point, you guys should be making a decision based on
data and not opinions.  This isn't an art experiment or creative writing
project.  This is an engineering project that makes software that becomes
part of an engineering product RHEL.  You owe it to RHEL and it's
subscribers who eventually have to live with your decisions that those
decisions were the BEST ones you could possibly make based on the data.
 You should ask your Red Hat colleagues if they can borrow a few Red Hat
analysts for a week or so to help them gather research, analysis and make a
more informed decision to help guide the product development process.  I'm
sure these Red Hat analysts have friends at the IDC who can provide much of
the research materials.

Please don't repeat the same mediocre product management found in every
Linux distribution.  I'm sick of seeing Linux projects make the same
obvious mistakes over and over again.  These mistakes are preventable
through good research and analysis.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:59 AM, Adam Williamson <awilliam at>wrote:

> On Tue, 2014-02-11 at 03:27 -0500, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> > Just FYI, Rex is not Red Hat developer ;-). But there's pretty nice group
> yeah, kevin pointed that out too. I don't know why I always get it
> wrong. :P
> --
> Adam Williamson
> Fedora QA Community Monkey
> IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
> --
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