Allan Day allanpday at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 17:46:01 UTC 2014

>> But the client-side of abrt is so prone to quality of implementation
>> issues that I might agree that it would be best to remove it and start
>> over. ...

I agree that we need to address these user experience issues as a
matter of urgency. We also need to drive up quality in Fedora of
course, and that requires high-quality data on crashers. We need a
plan to ensure that we get this.

The first step is to identify our requirements, as well as any
verifiable issues that currently exist. (I know that Jon McCann did a
lot of work in this area, so we're not starting from a blank slate.)
Once we have that, we can have a conversation with the ABRT team.
Disabling or not including ARBT in F21 *might* make sense, but that
decision really needs to be made as part of a wider strategy, and it
needs to be a decision that the ABRT team themselves participate in.

Discussions about dropping something from a release on the basis of
anecdotal evidence isn't especially helpful. Likewise, having that
discussion without the involvement of the concerned parties isn't a
healthy way to do business, and could well sour the relations that we
need to develop in order to produce the kind of product that we want.


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