New look for Anaconda?

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Wed Sep 17 14:33:51 UTC 2014

Hi Jiri!

On 09/17/2014 10:24 AM, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> I wonder if there are any plans to improve the look of Anaconda for F21
> Workstation. In the state it is now it doesn't look very professional
> and I would even say that the Fedora "logo" in the left blue pane
> violates the Fedora logo usage guidelines.

Yep, definitely. We've kind of been leaving it a bit messy as a clear 
reminder it needs to be done.
> Anaconda in RHEL 7 looks much better, like something that is finished.
> It'd be great if we could achieve something similar in Fedora
> Workstation, just aligned with the design and colors of the workstation
> product.

Glad you like it :) The RHEL 7 artwork is based on release-specific 
branding. I think we want something that doesn't have to be updated 
every release... for some reason subconsciously I was waiting (maybe out 
of habit) on the alpha wallpaper feedback to move on this, but we're 
probably better off that they aren't matchy-matchy. We've already had a 
tiny bit of discussion about it on the design-team list but I will make 
sure this happens in time for beta.


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