New look for Anaconda?

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at
Wed Sep 17 14:51:23 UTC 2014

Elad Alfassa píše v St 17. 09. 2014 v 17:31 +0300:
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Jiri Eischmann <eischmann at>
> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I wonder if there are any plans to improve the look of
>         Anaconda for F21
>         Workstation. In the state it is now it doesn't look very
>         professional
>         and I would even say that the Fedora "logo" in the left blue
>         pane
>         violates the Fedora logo usage guidelines.
>         Anaconda in RHEL 7 looks much better, like something that is
>         finished.
>         It'd be great if we could achieve something similar in Fedora
>         Workstation, just aligned with the design and colors of the
>         workstation
>         product.
>         Jiri
>         --
>         desktop mailing list
>         desktop at
> 1) This is a question for the Anaconda list, not the desktop list

I do think it's a question for the desktop list because the desktop list
has been picked to serve as a mailing list for the workstation working
group. Because IMHO these high-profile design questions should be first
discussed in the working groups to make sure the whole product is
visually consistent and then delegated to particular teams for more
detailed discussion and implementation.
It's IMHO a better approach than waiting for whatever the silos in
Fedora Project will come up with.


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