Why people are not switching to Fedora

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at redhat.com
Mon May 11 13:08:28 UTC 2015

Christian Schaller píše v Čt 07. 05. 2015 v 14:34 -0400:
Optimus support
> Quite a few people did bring up that our Optimus support wasn't 
> great. Luckily I know Bastien Nocera is working on 
> something there based on work by Dave Arlie, so hopefully this is 
> one we can check off soon.

I had a talk on Fedora Workstation in front of 100 people who were
mostly our target audience (developers, students,...) and I also asked
them what annoys them on Linux desktop the most. Support for multiple
graphics cards was the most frequent answer. No distribution has
really solved this problem.

And for Fedora I would also add nVidia drivers. Not having multimedia
support by default is a disadvantage, but it's really a matter of
running one command and installing a couple of packages. But if you
don't have good graphics card drivers or they break with every new
release of kernel it's a dealbreaker because it can't be reliably
solved by a couple of commands.

So instead of complaining about issues that can't be solved because
they are not technical issues (patent-protected codecs), let's focus
on problems that are technical because there is still a lot of room
for improvement.


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