Regarding Extras package announcements

Michael Schwendt fedora at
Wed Sep 22 16:31:06 UTC 2004

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 11:55:06 -0400, Toshio wrote:

> The build system would also need (Well... should) also figure out which
> changelogs are new since the last package release like the RH Build
> System Reports.  Shouldn't be too hard if the changelog header lines are
> correctly formatted (QA should be catching that.)

Should they? FWIW, I think the package changelog is the packager's
area. And unless it breaks the build, e.g. with unescaped % characters,
I don't care what the package developer puts there. Okay, I give the
hint to add version-release or remind to add a changelog entry if one
is missing. But that's all.

RPM changelog diff:

1. rpm -qp --changelog OLDPACKAGE > old
2. rpm -qp --changelog NEWPACKAGE > new
3. diff -u -U 9999 old new | grep ^+ | sed 's,^+,,;/^++.*/d'

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