reducing distribution CD count

Richard June rjune at
Tue Mar 1 14:28:11 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 01 March 2005 09:05, seth vidal wrote:
> >I think Alan was meaning more from a political standpoint. I suspect
> >that Red Hat staff have more justification for fixing things in Core
> >than Extras.
> I don't think I understand how this is political. We're talking about a
> single command post-install. He was talking about debugging, I don't
> think it's CRAZY that a developer have to run a single command in order
> to debug something.
> bzflag and tuxracer were not in the normal install in core, iirc. So why
> is it harder to install them now than before?
both bzflag & tuxracer are in the default "personal desktop" install in fedora 
core 3.

> is it b/c they're in a separate repo? But that repo will be on by
> default for fc4, so how is that harder for the end user or developer?
How does the end user know that these exist and that they are games?

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