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Miles Lane miles.lane at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 04:20:09 UTC 2007

1.  The ipw2200 signal kill switch is not working.  That is, pressing
it does not toggle the kill switch state.  I know that the switch is
not defective, so maybe this is a SELinux issue?

2.  I added "options ipw2200 led=1" to /etc/modprobe.conf.  This
causes the LED on the kill switch to light up when the WIFI signal is
enabled.  This is working, although it seems to me that this should be
the default behavior (preferably built into the ipw2200 driver).  If
we aren't going to get this changed in the driver, I recommend we put
this option in modprobe.conf by default, so that the LED "just works"
as expected.

3.  Since I have enabled the kill switch LED, I notice that when I
boot, from very early on in the boot process the LED starts blinking.
That is, it flashes about once every three seconds.  It appears to me
that some process is repeatedly trying to get a working wireless
connection.  Since I am using NetworkManager, it seems like a bug that
this is happening.  Shouldn't the initscripts be smart enough to know
when I am using NM to control the wireless connection and leave it
alone until NM starts?

4.  I tried suspend/resume, but it seems only the suspend worked.
When I tried to resume, the drive spun up and my capslock LED light
would toggle, but I never got back to the screensaver or GDM.

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