Putting K3b back onto the DVDs?

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sat Dec 29 00:04:42 UTC 2007

Alan <alan <at> clueserver.org> writes:
> If space is a limitation, you *do* give a crap.

But there's plenty of space left on the DVD! Remember I'm not talking about the 
GNOME live CD (nor about the KDE live CD which already includes it).

> There have been other solutions proposed that solve the problem in Gnome
> without having to use a KDE app, so the situation is moot anyways.

No, it's not moot!
The DVD also contains KDE, and it is the only "supported" way to upgrade a 
previous Fedora installation, so not having K3b on the DVD is bad for KDE users 
(and for GNOME users who are using K3b anyway).

        Kevin Kofler

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