Is there a NFS alternative?

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Thu Feb 8 05:13:37 UTC 2007

Daniel Yek <dyek <at>> writes:
> It was a while ago when I read that NFS was difficult to secure with (the 
> use of) ssh and iptables (or something like that).
> I really needed an alternative that works and can be made secure. Is GFS a 
> suitable replacement for NFS? If not, what is the closest thing to NFS?

Is fuse-sshfs a viable alternative?

Others have also mentioned fully-userspace solutions, i.e. giving your apps 
URLs instead of file names. Emacs has been given as an example, but it's not 
the only editor to support this. Most KDE and GNOME apps support sftp:// URLs 
(sftp ioslave in KDE, sftp gnome-vfs plugin in GNOME). Kate can work just fine 
with sftp:// URLs, for example.

        Kevin Kofler

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