Reasons to preseve X on tty7

Dax Kelson dkelson at
Wed Oct 29 18:09:27 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 12:52 -0500, Chris Adams wrote:

> The argument appears to be coming from a (very!) vocal minority (what
> percentage of Fedora users are on this list, and what percentage of list
> members are objecting?).  The vast majority of users have no idea or
> care about VT switching in my experience and will not care that X
> switched from one tty to another (if you tried to explain it to them,
> you'd just get blank stares).  If it speeds up the boot process and
> causes less flicker and monitor reset (which does disconcert regular
> users), they'll be happy.
> As for the argument that speeding up boot and making the boot smoother
> is meaningless because you should never need to reboot, there are still
> a lot of users that have to dual-boot.  Speeding up boot (and shutdown!)
> is a good thing for them.


The problem is that we can have both. Let's all eat cake! This change of
X's VT is un-needed. 

Dax Kelson
Guru Labs

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