PLEASE READ: provenpackager reseed

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Tue Mar 10 17:04:38 UTC 2009

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 08:37:29AM -0700, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> > 
> There was a meeting at one point (I think FESCo but I could be wrong)
> where the cvsadmin groups was given responsibility for putting new
> members in cvsadmin.  I believe that this technically covers all the
> groups except secondary arches -- who have the same powers but different
> groups and different responsibilities.
> Just pointing out the history; not necessarily what should be.

It is somehow odd to have a complex trust system with many levels
of control (roughly packager -> provenpackager -> sponsor) for 
contributors that have less power, while there is no apparent 
control/procedure for the cvsadmin group. At least people having
cvsadmin powers granted should be provenpackagers, and maybe 
cvsadmin members could be identified and something about them 
could be added in the policies pages, be it only a mention to an 
informal process to become cvsadmin.


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