git branch help?

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Tue Aug 3 06:16:23 UTC 2010

Matt McCutchen wrote:
> The only potentially confusing behavior was that git defaulted to
> pushing all branches.  Given that, the push failed due to a concurrent
> change to a different branch on the destination, and it was necessary to
> switch to that branch in order to perform the merge (well, rebase, but
> the difference isn't important here).  I see nothing arcane, exotic,
> bizarre, or broken about that.  And I don't think I would change the
> default push behavior: I can envision forgetting to push a change to a
> non-current branch until someone complains about it.

The whole idea of having more than one branch in a checkout is confusing. I 
really don't see why I'd want to have a complete clone of the repository on 
my HDD rather than a working copy which contains all I actually work on (the 
current revision of one branch; if I work on multiple branches, that's what 
directories on my file system are for). (And this is another reason why I 
consider DVCSes to be broken by design.)

        Kevin Kofler

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