git branch help?

Robert Relyea rrelyea at
Mon Aug 9 23:16:30 UTC 2010

On 08/02/2010 06:06 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Jesse Keating wrote:
>> Here is where you should have done a fedpkg or git push
> [snip]
>> There is nothing to commit, since all the changes are already committed.
> The joys of DVCSes. People are NOT used to commit and push being different 
> operations. Git is highly confusing to people who aren't git experts.
>> Somebody has changed master since you last touched it, and you had
>> changes on your local master that are out of sync now.  First, you
>> should do:
>> git config --add --global push.default tracking
>> This will make git push only attempt to push to the branch you are
>> tracking.  Then you can git push your f13 changes.  git checkout master
>> to get back to master and do a git pull --rebase to pull in the latest
>> upstream changes and re-play your unpushed changes on top of it.  Then
>> git log to see what has happened, push if necessary.
> Huh? Can it get any more complicated? 
Ingoring the tone, I had some of the same thoughts.

This is a pretty basic operation, in good old broken CVS it was a single
command, there must be an easier way to make git do this, or at least as
a script in fedpkg that does this operation.

I'm not for going back, the list of basic operations that CVS supported
were finite, I would be highly surprised if git couldn't support those
operations. We just need the bits to get the non-git fedora users over
the hump.


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