Adding packages to buildroot directly from updates-testing

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Fri Dec 17 18:08:46 UTC 2010

Lets step back a bit here as I think this thread is drifting. 

What issue(s) is this proposed change trying to solve? 

* The OP talked about that we are not 'testing' the update entirely
  because it's not in the buildroot, so we aren't confirming that it
  works to build against. 

* Other folks mentioned delays in rel-eng buildroot override

Any other benefits to this change?

For the first point I agree that we aren't testing it for building
against (if it's not in buildroot override), but I think there is still
testing going on. Other folks who build vs fedora can and do build
against the testing repo. So, not sure I find this compelling. 

For the second point, I'm not sure what the delay time people are
seeing is. Currently Rex is doing almost all of these overrides.
Perhaps we could get some more folks to step up to process them? Or
open them up to provenpackagers or something (although that may be
difficult to do with koji's permissions model). 

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