How did I end up as the package owner for emacs?

Jonathan Underwood jonathan.underwood at
Sun Jan 3 22:12:44 UTC 2010

2010/1/3 Karel Klic <kklic at>:
> Hi Jonathan,
> you became the owner in the pkgdb when Daniel Novotny and I agreed to
> transfer the package ownership to me. We discovered that the next person
> with commit access become the owner when a package is orphaned, and the
> package owner cannot be changed in pkgdb. I asked about the solution on IRC,
> and when I got no answer I postponed it. From my point of view it is not
> important who is the owner when I can fix bugs and commit changes.
> I apologize to you for not sending an email about the change, that would
> have been be the right thing.
> Nonetheless, I am also interested in how to change the owner to certain
> person from the list of package maintainers.

Hi Karel,

Aha - thanks for explaining what happened. I just tried releasing
package ownership using the pkgdb web interface, but that doesn't seem
to work... will continue to investigate.


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