Update on packages violating the Static Library guidelines

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 11:52:43 UTC 2010

Bugzilla status for packages violating the Static Library guidelines:

acl                                     556036 -> CLOSED
atlas                                   556037
attr                                    556038 -> CLOSED
audit                                   556039
binutils                                556040
brltty                                  556041
Canna                                   556034 -> CLOSED
cdparanoia                              547682
comedilib                               556043
dnssec-tools                            556044
e2fsprogs                               545144
expat                                   556046
fftw2                                   556047
file                                    556048 -> CLOSED
gcc                                     556049
gdbm                                    556050
ghostscript                             556051 -> CLOSED
gnutls                                  556052 -> CLOSED
gpsim                                   556053
gtk+extra                               556054
hpic                                    556055 -> CLOSED
isdn4k-utils                            556056
js                                      556057 -> CLOSED
ldns                                    556058 -> CLOSED
libaio                                  556059 -> CLOSED
libannodex                              556060
libbtctl                                556061
libcaca                                 556062
libcddb                                 556063 -> CLOSED
libcdio                                 556064
libcmml                                 556065
libdnet                                 556066
libevent                                556067
libftdi                                 556068 -> CLOSED
libnl                                   556069
liboggz                                 556070
libotr                                  556071
librx                                   556072 -> CLOSED
libsemanage                             556073 -> CLOSED
libsndfile                              556074
libstatgrab                             556075
libtranslate                            556076
libtwin                                 556077
libuninameslist                         556078 -> CLOSED
libxslt                                 556079
link-grammar                            556080
linux-atm                               556081
linuxwacom                              556082
lockdev                                 556083 -> CLOSED
meanwhile                               556084
mpich2                                  545149
munipack                                556086
nfs-utils-lib                           556087
numactl                                 556088
opencdk                                 556089
openldap                                556090 -> CLOSED
proj                                    556091
python                                  556092 -> CLOSED
QuantLib                                556035 -> CLOSED
rubberband                              556093
shapelib                                556094
syck                                    556095
sysfsutils                              556096 -> CLOSED
texlive                                 556097
torque                                  556098
util-vserver                            556099
xbsql                                   556100 -> CLOSED
xen                                     556101
xfsprogs                                556102
xmlsec1                                 556103

Michael Schwendt
Fedora release 12 (Constantine) - Linux
loadavg: 0.10 0.05 0.01

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