prelink should not mess with running executables

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sat Jul 14 14:43:13 UTC 2012

Am 14.07.2012 16:19, schrieb Sam Varshavchik:
> If prelink chews on a binary that's currently running, its /proc/self/exe essentially goes away. Which can be
> undesirable, for a persistent daemon process.
> It took me a while to figure out why my daemon kept breaking all the time, when it couldn't stat its /proc/self/exe
> any more.
> I suppose I could blacklist it, in prelink.conf. But that seems wrong. prelink should either avoid touching
> binaries that are currently loaded, or there should be a way prelink can coordinate its activity with binaries.

it should be generally considered if prelink is useful at
all on a distribution with high frequently updates and in
the context of intrusion detections which are randomly
broken by the prelink cronjob

also the prelink-cronjob itself eats more ressources
a the whole benefit is especially if it starts on
a notebook with slow disks while people want to work

happily the rkhunter-package was modified some months ago so it
does no longer pull "prelink" as dependency leading
in my machines are all free from prelink

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