guayadeque package review and bundled libraries

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Sat Sep 15 20:33:22 UTC 2012

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 08:00:55PM +0200, Martin Gansser wrote:
> I am working on a package preview for guayadeque
> Brandon told me that i have to alk the devel list regarding 'bundled libraries'
> It seems that the guayadeque sources contains some bundled libraries, wxsqlite and wxcurl (wxMD5?).
> has the code submitted as a separate package ?
> [1]
The question isn't whether the code has already been submitted as a separate
package but whether it should be.  Unless there's some reason that the
libraries cannot be shipped separately, they should be unbundled.

If you do decide there's reasons that the libraries cannot be shipped
separately, you need to ask for an exception with your reasoning for the FPC
to examine.  Ides for that are on the page that you pointed to.
Specifically, in this section:

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