F20 Self Contained Change: Remove deprecated calls of using ntpdate in favor of ntpd

Paul Wouters pwouters at redhat.com
Wed Jul 17 13:41:25 UTC 2013

On Wed, 17 Jul 2013, Chris Adams wrote:

> Have you tried the -q, -g, and -x options to ntpd?

Yes, see other email. I saw it and provided we allow large clock skew
providing all 3 options, I'm okay with replacing ntpdate.

>> I have been thinking about how to solve that properly. One idea is to
>> use DNS and ignoring the time in the RRSIG records, getting a bunch of
>> DNSSEC queries from various TLDs and the root, using that to estimate
>> time, then trying to enable DNSSEC and resolve pool.ntp.org.
> Yeah, that's a hard chicken-and-egg problem to solve.  Really, without
> any real clue of the current time (or a trusted local time source), you
> are just at the mercy of the Internet.  I'd say just disable DNSSEC for
> the initial queries.  Anyone in a position to mess with the DNS replies
> will also be in a position to mess with the NTP traffic.

That's easiest said then done. It takes a lot of queries before you hit
pool.ntp.org. And then you have to 1) ensure no one else uses those DNS
answers and 2) flush the cache when enabling DNSSEC.

>> Another alternative could be to use something like tlsdate, which
>> obtains time from HTTPS servers, but then we would need to use wellknown
>> servers and rely on the CA PKI. Also, tlsdate really needs a security
>> review.
> You still need a reasonable approximation of the current time to start
> with, since certificates have specified validity periods.

Yes, but those validities are in the order of months or years, not 1
hour, as is the case for RRSIG's for .org.

> If you have no idea what time it is, you really can't start having
> secure conversations with anyone else.  You just have to assume somebody
> is telling the truth and move forward.

That's why for a simple "reboot", we could save the time to have some
approximation of time when we start (if we have no realtime clock or
see the time is 1970 of 2000)


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