F20 Self Contained Change: Remove deprecated calls of using ntpdate in favor of ntpd

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Wed Jul 17 13:47:09 UTC 2013

Once upon a time, Paul Wouters <pwouters at redhat.com> said:
> That's easiest said then done. It takes a lot of queries before you hit
> pool.ntp.org. And then you have to 1) ensure no one else uses those DNS
> answers and 2) flush the cache when enabling DNSSEC.

Well, it would be an ugly hack, but you could use something like "dig
+short +cd pool.ntp.org" to get some IPs (+cd disables validation for
this request only).

> That's why for a simple "reboot", we could save the time to have some
> approximation of time when we start (if we have no realtime clock or
> see the time is 1970 of 2000)

If the root filesystem is ext4, you could use the "last write time" as a
starting point.
Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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