RFC: Proposal for a more agile "Fedora.next" (draft of my Flock talk)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Jul 22 16:07:07 UTC 2013

Le Lun 22 juillet 2013 17:56, Stephen Gallagher a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/22/2013 11:37 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>> 3. lack of clearly defined LAN infra : Windows comes with AD and
>> local network sharing, our desktop comes with facebook clients.
>> Guess which one is actually useful to produce code. Linux for
>> workgroups is a fantasy
> I realize I'm pulling apart one specific example, but you DO realize
> that Fedora comes with FreeIPA, NFSv4 and samba, right? Those three
> components accomplish most of what you're describing in "AD and local
> network sharing". Work is being done in both GNOME and KDE right now
> to provide a better user-experience for enabling those shares, but the
> capability is there.

I do realise Fedora includes some technical bricks necessary to provide
the service. However :
1. nobody knows about them. Startups do not have time for investigating
desktop capabilities, if it's not easy to find, deploy and use it does not
2. last I've seen, the integration of the server parts was not sufficient
and required quite a lot of operator work (but it may have changed)
3. the server parts are irrelevant if the desktop parts do not use the out
of the box with minimal operator/user work

Again, startups do not care about "the best technical infra" (Fedora
angle) or "the most robust and versatile infra" (RHEL angle). They care
about "the quickest and easiest way to get devs to churn code".

Nicolas Mailhot

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