F20 System Wide Change: No Default Sendmail

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Wed Jul 24 11:39:13 UTC 2013

On Tue, 23.07.13 11:52, Billy Crook (billycrook at gmail.com) wrote:

> Default should include what people 'generally expect of a GNU+Linux
> system' -- and that includes an MTA.  It should include a syslog, and
> it should include screen too for that matter.

This is the "let's do this out of tradition" argument. It's an awful
argument. Just doing stuff because things were always done that way
essentially boils down to "I hate change". Which is an OK opinion to
have, but certainly not four Fedora, where the four Fs mean "Freedom,
Friends, Features, First". The "First" indicates that we should be
pioneers, and *not* the guys who never change because we are deeply
suspicous of any change that is against "our tradition".

This is particularly a bad argument as most Linux distribution
installations do not include an MTA anymore (Ubuntu is substantially
more popular than Fedora, and not just on the desktop). There's enough
reason to believe that the what people "expect" from a Linux
distribution might be very different these days from what *you* expect
from it. 


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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