F20 System Wide Change: No Default Sendmail

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Jul 24 12:19:58 UTC 2013

Le Mer 24 juillet 2013 13:39, Lennart Poettering a écrit :

> This is particularly a bad argument as most Linux distribution
> installations do not include an MTA anymore (Ubuntu is substantially
> more popular than Fedora, and not just on the desktop). There's enough
> reason to believe that the what people "expect" from a Linux
> distribution might be very different these days from what *you* expect
> from it.

Anyway what people expect is a bad argument fullstop. Microsoft, Google
and Apple didn't grow their userbase by matching their users expectations.
They grew their userbase by exceeding those expectations. So what if in a
traditional windows 3.1 mindset smtp processing had not place on a
desktop? The fact is that mail is a major part of the internet experience
now, and anything that makes mail simpler on Fedora desktops will get us
more marketshare not less.

Just set up mail accounts at install/user creation time and configure our
tools to use the local smtpd server by default. That will make it a
"sending mail just works" distro-wide feature, instead of "we suck so much
at mail we've disabled mail even where it was blatantly useful"

Nicolas Mailhot

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