Unhelpful update descriptions

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 18:35:12 UTC 2013


On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 1:49 PM,  wrote:

> It does seem that there's been a trend forming lately where the rpm's
> changelog is covering only what's happened as far as the packaging itself
> goes and less about the software being packaged.  Maybe that's all the rpm
> changelog should ever be?  Less useful for what I need, yes, but also more
> truthful by not providing a false impression.

The RPM changelog should generally be more about the packaging related
changes rather than upstream and bodhi update should have a summary of the
upstream changes or atleast a link to the upstream changelog.  If upstream
doesn't provide a good summary, it doesn't hurt for package maintainers to
ask them.  I have found that upstream developers are quite responsive to
such suggestions especially if you provide them tips to automate the
generation of it  As a specific example,  askbot (which powers
http://ask.fedoraproject.org) has a good summary of changes in a easily
accessible place after I requested them


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