Software Management call for RFEs

Bill Nottingham notting at
Thu May 30 14:13:55 UTC 2013

drago01 (drago01 at said: 
> How about improving delta rpm performance? Currently we save download
> time but require a lot of time to rebuild the rpms.
> Can we just sign the deltas and then don't compress the generated
> rpms? We waste time and cycles building xz
> compressed rpms (from the deltas) just to decompress them a few
> minutes later. Skipping this (just create uncompressed rpms when
> building from deltas) should improve performance a lot.

The entire delta framework is built around generating the original
RPM and handing that off wholesale to yum/rpm - it's how it can be
done as a yum plugin without changing anything in RPM itself. Changing
it to create something *different* than the full RPM (in terms of
checksum, size, signature, and so on) would be a non-trivial change
to how they work. 

I think if you want to go down this road, you probably want to start
by integrating delta technology into RPM core itself, probably
redefining the delta format into something much more efficient.


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