prelink performance gains

Chris Adams linux at
Tue Oct 15 19:20:51 UTC 2013

Once upon a time, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johannbg at> said:
> I say we should remove it from the standard comps group thus making
> it optional to install for people that see some benefit in still
> using it.

I'd actually suggest that prelink be an all-or-nothing.  If it isn't in
the default install, support for it in the other things that interact
with it will bit-rot (and maintainers will have little incentive to fix

If it isn't in the default install, it should probably just be removed
from the distribution.  If it improves performance noticably, then keep
it; if it doesn't, why should it be kept at all?  It has non-zero
support cost outside of the package itself.
Chris Adams <linux at>

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