$HOME/.local/bin in $PATH

drago01 drago01 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 09:12:39 UTC 2013

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Nicolas Mailhot
<nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyway what makes xdg specs a total wreakage is the way they've replaced
> dotfiles with other dotfiles only to create prettyfied localized symlinks

That's incorrect. The "prettyfied localized symlinks" are neither
symlinks nor are they hidden.

> à la windows (a bad case of over-engineering and aping another os without
> understanding drawbacks)

Seems like you do not really understand what you are criticizing.

> Had they specified a ~/xdg/ root, with a static directory hierarchy under
> it, no hidden files, no you-need-to-run-a-command-to-known-where-stuff is,
> no magic env variables, it would have been a sane environment for apps,
> scripts, selinux, apparmor, etc

The hidden directories replaced the mess that we had before where each
app stores stuff
in random (hidden) directories. Having a standardized directory
structure is actually
a "sane environment". As for why they are hidden (and always have
been) is because you
do not want to bother the user with them most of the time.

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