F21 Self Contained Change: MATE Desktop 1.8

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Wed Apr 2 18:24:46 UTC 2014

= Proposed Self Contained Change: MATE Desktop 1.8  =

Change owner(s): Dan Mashal <dan.mashal at fedoraproject.org>, Wolfgang Ulbrich 
<chat-to-me at raveit.de>

Update MATE Desktop to version 1.8 

== Detailed Description ==
Release 1.8

* New features
  - new mate-user-quide
  - add window snapping/tiling support to Marco window-manager
  - improved support for systemd-logind
  - command line panel-applet for displaying the result of a command in the 
  - mpaste tool for using Mate's paste website
  - caja-beesu extension for opening a file as superuser
  - support for upower-1.0 (60% is done in rawhide)
  - allow rotation of mate-panel background
  - add support for Metacity as window manager
  - add shuffle mode in slideshow of eom image-viewer
  - eom image-viewer is migrated to lcms2
  - show date and time in mate-screensaver lock dialog
  - show graphical time in logout/shutdown dialog
  - switch complete to pulseaudio, good bye gstreamer mixer
  - middle click on volume-applet toggles mute state
  - add undo functionality to Sticky-note applet
  - gnome-main-menu panel-applet (review request comming soon)

* Renaming some packages
  - mate-file-manager to caja
  - mate-window-manager to marco
  - mate-text-editor to pluma
  - mate-document-viewer to atril
  - mate-menu-editor to mozo
  - mate-file-archiver to engrampa
  - mate-image-viever to eom

* Replacements
  - mate-doc-utils with yelp-tools, help in all packages works now
  - single caja extensions packages are now summarized in the new caja-
extensions package
  - libmatewnck with libwnck

* Drops
  - mate-character-maps

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: 
1) Upgrade all packages to 1.8 version.
2) Update comps with new package set.
3) Submit review requests for the following renamed packages:
mate-file-manager -> caja
mate-window-manager -> marco
mate-image-viewer -> eom
mate-file-archiver -> engrampa
mate-text-editor -> pluma
mate-document-viewer -> atril
mate-menu-editor -> mozo

4) Retire the following dropped packages:

* Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change) 
* Release engineering: N/A (not a System Wide Change) 
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)

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