libreoffice broken again in updates-testing

Mathieu Bridon bochecha at
Thu Apr 17 17:55:20 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2014-04-17 at 16:24 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> and before you tell me now about outdated mirrors - no, see repo-file below
> what you are installing *now* don't matter, *now* is in the repo
> starting with tuesday evening until today the broken one was
> to make it short: i can handle yum and repos
> [root at rh:~]$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo
> [updates]
> name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch - Updates
> failovermethod=priority
> baseurl=$releasever/$basearch/

Just thought I'd let you know: is in fact an
alias that redirects you to a mirror.

That doesn't change anything about your main point (that the update
wasn't pushed yet when you were trying but had been before Sergio
replied), but it would still be theoretically possible for you to get
sent to an outdated mirror, just like using mirrorlist.


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