Heads up; F22 will require applications to ship appdata to be listed in software center

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 08:26:36 UTC 2014

On 23 January 2014 08:07, David Tardon <dtardon at redhat.com> wrote:
> You seem to be operating under a delusion that, if someone's package is
> forcibly dropped, (s)he will automatically seek comaintainership of
> another package "to fill the vacuum". That is not very likely. What is
> likely, however, is that (s)he will become angered, orphan the rest of
> his/her packages and disappear.

I don't think we need to drop any packages, unless keeping that
package is actually making our life harder in a significant way. What
I think it's makes a lot of sense doing is -hiding- the applications
that are abandonware. Users that really want some low level tool using
GTK-1 already know the package name, and are likely very familiar with
the command line.


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