man-db without cache update (no cron or systemd *.timer)

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Oct 16 12:03:06 UTC 2014

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 05:53:41PM +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> I discussed this with Peter Schiffer and the end result was in the
> future the man-db cron should be removed and man-db database should
> be updated with rpm triggerand the cron job should be kept as is
> until then, presicecly to prevent this from happening ( systemd
> being pulled in when it should not or component magically expecting
> it to be there )  and correct dependency on coreOS/baseOS components
> would be kept.
> Just make FESCO/FPC clean this up it was them who decided not to
> make it mandatory what should or should not be migrated to timer
> units and this is precisely the fallout I had expected from not
> doing that.

I'm not seeing a problem here. If Peter said "no way! I'm migrating to timer
units", then maybe we would need to revisit. But as predicted, that's a
non-issue. There really is no crisis here — we can continue to make
incremental improvements as things come up, and if someone — you or anyone
else! —is interested in reviving a concerted effort to do
I'm all for it.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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