Unable to submit update for F22 (was Re: bodhi 2 now live)

Milan Crha mcrha at redhat.com
Thu Aug 20 13:16:54 UTC 2015

On Thu, 2015-08-20 at 11:00 +0100, Paul Howarth wrote:
> Looks like you need to hit "enter" after typing/pasting in the 
> package NVR into the "Candidate Builds" field, which was not at all 
> obvious to me.

thanks for the hint. That made it work, the package name is repeated
below the entry with a checkbox, after pressing the Enter.

That's not intuitive at all. What I'm doing is filling a web form,
such forms are usually submitted by pressing Enter, I wouldn't think
of pressing Enter in an edit input field. Also because it was not
needed when working with bodhi before.

D'oh, the bug reference is lost and the bug not updated. Nonetheless,
the update is filled. I hope. I guess.

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