F22 System Wide Change: Set sshd(8) PermitRootLogin=no

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Fri Jan 9 19:31:35 UTC 2015

Once upon a time, Przemek Klosowski <przemek.klosowski at nist.gov> said:
> Actually, even with vCenter (which we also have) getting a console
> is not a foregone conclusion. It is a browser plugin which actually
> right now does not work for me on my linux desktop.

Hmm, the Fedora Project isn't using RHEV/oVirt, which supports VNC and
SPICE for consoles? :)

My method of managing physical servers is to make sure they all have at
least basic IPMI with serial-over-LAN and BIOS-serial-console support,
and then configure the boot loader and bare-metal Linux with serial
consoles.  Dell iDRAC or SuperMicro with remote KVM is a bonus (allows
virtual media and such).  All the IPMI/etc. interfaces are on a private
VLAN accessible through a jump host or VPN (because lots of them are
out-of-date embedded Linux with security issues).  Then I have an oVirt
cluster for VMs, so I can pull up a SPICE console.

That covers my needs, except for legacy stuff at customer locations, but
we're working to get that stuff replaced too (with same IPMI/iDRAC/etc.

Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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