Retire a package from Fedora i686 (not x86_64)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Fri Nov 6 21:00:56 UTC 2015

Germano Massullo wrote:
> For example, SSE3 instructions set is one of the minimum requirements and
> 99% of 32 bit only CPUs do not support it. Only Pentium 4 >= Prescott
> architecture supports it.

I think building it with SSE3 is better than excluding the architecture 
entirely. And FYI, requiring SSE3 is not really allowed even for x86_64 (you 
are allowed to assume only SSE2), so by that argument, there is no 
architecture left.

Of course, a better solution would be to fix the package to work on all CPUs 
you support. But if upstream doesn't care, it's going to be a problem. :-( 
We have a similar issue with QtWebEngine, because Chromium/V8 upstream 
requires SSE2 in their JIT and there is no interpreter fallback. (They are 
now working on an "interpreter" mode, but it is not a real interpreter 
fallback either, some stuff still uses the JIT.)

        Kevin Kofler

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