XML style for translation

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at MegaCoder.com
Fri Aug 26 14:51:16 UTC 2005

Now as we focus on the translation problems, er,
opportunities, I'd like a definitive answer about this.

Which of the following formatting paragraph styles does the translation team
find more friendly:

	When in anger or in doubt, run in
	circles, scream and shout.  The
	quick brown fox jumped over the
	lazy dog.


	When in anger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
	The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Specificly, should each sentence from the source document be:

	1) lines justified all together into the semblance
	   of a paragraph; or
	2) a separate line, no matter how long it gets.

Personaly, I prefer #2 where each sentence forms its own formatting
object.  This avoids any distractions trying to minic the final
document layout.  I've seen diffs that just changed "the end.  The",
with two spaces, into "the end. The", with a single space.

Ultimately, the point of XML DocBook is to separate content from
presentation so I could live with either, but I'm no translator.
Well, maybe if you consider redneck-to-english a formal process ;-)

I'm not advocating layout surgery on existing content, but would like
a "best practices" recomendation from the folks who know what they
are talking about.

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