Local document customizations

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at MegaCoder.com
Fri Oct 28 15:18:14 UTC 2005

Uttered James Laska <jlaska at redhat.com>, spake thus:

> Some of our process documents can become somewhat large, which lends
> well to the chunked html output.  Taking that a step further we've found
> it helpful to have 2 toc settings where the main table of contents only
> goes one level deep (chapter).  Once you click on a chapter you then see
> the detailed toc for that section.  This has received some good mileage
> and seems break up a document into manageable chunks.

Both the document ToC and the chapter ToC seems to share a common
setting "doc.section.depth", so they can't be set independantly.
However, since a chapter is a level down inside the document, a
1-level deep ToC there does provide a bit more detail that was hidden
in the document ToC.
> Curious what folks think about this, is there a way to allow doc
> writers to make this customization without modifying main-html.xsl?

I can add this capability to the "docs-common" infrastructure if the
consensus is to do this.

My question is this: do we want document authors to have that much
control over the rendering, or is this a more project-level choice?

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