Wanted: a Technical Advisor for DocBook GSoC Project

loupgaroublond at gmail.com loupgaroublond at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 16:53:38 UTC 2009

Hey All,

By now many of you know Satya is looking to work on a DocBook editor for a Google Summer of Code project. I think this project shows alot of promise, and for lack of a full mentor, i have stepped up to be accountable for the results. I am more than willing to help make sure all the status reports are taken care of, providing the necessary information to Google, and just helping Satya out where i can.  Satya has also shown initiative by contacting upstream, and they have supported the project as well.

The only caveat is that i'm wholly unqualified to comment on what the Documentation team needs.  More importantly, we are looking for comment on where the Documentation team's priorities are. I am looking for a volunteer to be a primary technical advisor to the project. I estimate that it shouldn't require more than 5 hours a week. The primary task is to answer Satya's questions, either on IRC or by email.

If no one volunteers outright, bear in mind, we are lurking your channel.  We'll be asking questions there anyways. Even so, if there is a particular vision you may have for the Docs team, here's your chance to see it happen.

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