guide admins

Karsten Wade kwade at
Wed Jan 13 19:39:39 UTC 2010

I'm on a fair number of guides in as an admin, which
is great; I'm happy to be able to do any such back-up in my emeritus

But I worry that requests are not being addressed, partially because
when I go to, I usually see open
requests.  Currently there are 11, for these groups:


Some suggestions:

* Can active writers/leaders/admins for those groups address the open
  requests so people don't feel forgotten forever?

* Can someone do an audit to make sure that all of our guides have
  active maintainers, who have admins privileges, and know to respond
  to the requests?

* Can we coordinate to make sure requests aren't left too long?

The open problem is that people request to join a group without ever
knowing about or following a related joining process.  

When I was an active guide/group maintainer, I would cycle through,
send email to people asking them to following the process at URL, then
delete their request after it hung out for more than a month.

cheers - Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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