Open Questions - Playground: reviews

Tadej Janež tadej.janez at
Wed Mar 26 23:58:10 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-03-26 at 17:21 -0400, Marcela Mašláňová wrote: 
> Do you have more concrete proposal? What should we exactly check?

I would go for things that are easy to check automatically, but will
nevertheless ensure better packaging quality.

1) The first set of checks could be automatic single-package checks
already implemented in FedoraReview. In case of ambiguities, a check
could require an additional manual review.
- The spec file name must match the base package %{name} in the format
%{name}.spec. An exception will require manual review.
- A package must own all directories that it creates. If it does not
create a directory that it uses, then it should require a package which
does create that directory.
- Packages must not own files or directories already owned by other
- A package must not list a file more than once in the spec file's %
files listings.
- Permissions on files must be set properly. Executables should be set
with executable permissions, for example.
- There should be no config files under /usr
- All filenames in rpm packages must be valid UTF-8.
- The SPEC file shouldn't contain "illegal" tags (i.e. Packager, Vendor,
PreReq, Copyright)
- A package must use either %{buildroot} or $RPM_BUILD_ROOT.
- The %makeinstall macro shouldn't be used.
- A package's name must only use the following ASCII characters ...
- All build dependencies must be listed in BuildRequires, except for any
that are listed in the exceptions section of the Packaging Guidelines.
An exception will require manual review.
- The sources of a package must be accessible (downloadable) from URI in
Source: tag
- The gtk-update-icon-cache command should be run if required.
- The update-desktop-database command should be run if required.
- Whenever possible, Fedora packages should avoid conflicting with each
other. An exception will require manual review.

2) The second set of checks could be automatic inter-package checks.
Again, in case of ambiguities, a check could require an additional
manual review.
- Conflicting package names with packages in the main repository or
existing packages in the Playground repository (even if they differ by
case alone) are not allowed.
(partially implemented in
- Conflicting files between different packages, either from the main
repository or the Playground repository, are not allowed.

Even if we initially implement the Playground repository with a subset
of the checks, I'd be fine with it.


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