EPEL (no subject)

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 18:12:05 UTC 2014

On 21 August 2014 08:46, Gabriel Eisele <gabrieleisele at hotmail.de> wrote:

>  Hallo,
> I hope i’m at the righte place. I have a questetion about EPEL.
> My questtion is, it is possible to use an old EPEL Version (for example
> EPEL 6) with a new Enterprise Linux Version (for example CentOS 7) .
The general answer is no. The exact answer is it would depend on the
package and what it was compiled against. Some packages could possibly work
from EL6 -> EL7 but most would not work. In most cases, it would be
preferrable to request that the EL7 version be made available.

> Thank you for your answers.
> Gabriel Eisele
> Gesendet von Windows Mail
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Stephen J Smoogen.
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