EPEL CentOS curator group proposal

Ken Dreyer ktdreyer at ktdreyer.com
Thu Sep 25 17:59:32 UTC 2014

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Till Maas <opensource at till.name> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:47:43AM -0500, Jim Perrin wrote:
>> > This would be my take also, getting pkgs into EPEL is a pretty well
>> > defined process as is a becoming a packager. I don't see an extra step/group
>> > is needed within CentOS is needed.
>> It is defined. It's also perceived as cumbersome, laborious and painful,
>> and so many would-be contributors don't even attempt to contribute. This
>> is simply a proposal allowing those who are willing to act in place of
>> the original packagers to help contribute.
> If the packages are going to meet Fedora's guidelines, the current
> process is not as bad as it might be perceived. If someone is qualified
> and motivated it is very easy to become package maintainer and if you
> have several people who want to contribute they can easily review each
> others packages to show that they are qualified and I am very confident
> that it won't be hard to find a sponsor then.

The other thing that comes to my mind is some sort of "EPEL
ambassadors" (for lack of a better term) - Fedora packagers who are
interested in sponsoring new contributors who are very EPEL-focused.
I'd be willing to help with that.

I get that it can feel cumbersome, laborious and painful sometimes,
particularly in comparison to throwing something on GitHub. The big
question for Fedora's future is "how do we become less bureaucratic
while still maintaining quality - and do it in a timeframe that still
keeps us relevant to the world."

Anyways, in the meantime there are are people here who are willing to
do some hand-holding through our current processes.

- Ken

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