Best option for Qt5 on RHEL6

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Fri Aug 30 03:17:46 UTC 2013

On 08/29/2013 08:48 PM, Syam Krishnan wrote:
> So, please advice on my best option for Qt5/RHEL6..

Probably rebuilding the the fedora src.rpm's.  May require minor 
tweaking wrt dependencies and such.  I'd be willing to adapt things to 
make it work.

If so, heck, could probably build for epel-6 officially

> By the way, I'm loving the KDE 4.10 packages for RHEL6 by Rex.. Thanks a
> lot.. (any chance of 4.11 hitting EL6?, too greedy, heh ;-)

Very good chances... just need to find the time to make it happen.  Also 
been working a bit behind-the-scenes to make outside contributions 
easier (ie, so it doesn't all block on me).

-- Rex

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