Why Firefox is not a good choice of browser for a KDE/Plasma-based product

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Apr 3 02:27:47 UTC 2014

I wrote:
> The discussion of what should be the default browser on the Plasma Product
> has come up yesterday, and I strongly believe that Firefox is NOT the
> answer (but either Konqueror+KWebKitPart or Rekonq is), for the following
> reasons:

2 more:
* Firefox takes a lot more space on the live image than a browser that
  reuses KDE components. The firefox package is 50 MiB compressed, that's 10
  times the size of Rekonq, 25 times the size of Konqueror. And that does
  not even include the dependencies, which you also have to add.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Eich#Proposition_8_donation

        Kevin Kofler

PS: My apologies if you get this message twice, but so far Gmane STILL has not 
delivered the original copy, more than 24 hours after I sent it. :-(

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