Details about baloo (where can those be found)

José Matos jamatos at
Wed Apr 16 16:16:01 UTC 2014

	I am running kde-4.13 (the apps I mean :-) ) and I have baloo running for a long time.

Where I can I find details about what baloo is doing, I read (in .xsession-error that baloo is failing on some files and so it is black listing them). The problem is that it always refers to a number.

My point/question is that I can not find the need feedback to know (as an example among others):
	* how many files it needs to process to finish this stage?
	* what are the file it fails and what can be done about it?

The first was available with nepomuk, and I must recognize that for a first iteration baloo is better behaved that nepomuk was most of the time. In any case baloo is taking a long time, and in my laptop it is I/O bounded while most of the time it does not clogs the cpu to 100% but the disk access led is permanently on.

José Abílio

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