Default browser in Fedora KDE Plasma

Ben Rosser rosser.bjr at
Sun Aug 9 06:45:30 UTC 2015

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Gerald B. Cox <gbcox at> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 10:22 PM, Eli Wapniarski <eli at>
> wrote:
>> I believe that it would be counter productive to maintain an OCD stance
>> when
>> trying to promote KDE with applications that you know will turn newbies
>> away
> I believe it's a bit counter-intuitive to promote KDE with non-KDE
> applications.
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What's worse, though-- a *bad* KDE application, or a non-KDE application?
That seems to be what we're arguing about, mainly? Perhaps s/bad/obsolete/
would be a better way to describe Konqueror. One could argue both don't do
a good job of promoting KDE.

That's kind of what I was getting at above (although I mainly chimed in
here to reply to the assertion that Konqueror was more secure because it
had a dead upstream and very low user base). The desire to have all KDE
applications, where appropriate in the browser, makes sense, but Konqueror
specifically is... well... I don't recall reading many testimonies from
people in these threads who actually regularly use Konqueror as their
primary browser.

I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other here, other than to note
that for me, and other KDE users I know in person, Konqueror is a mild
annoyance when initially configuring a system. I would absolutely prefer it
if a better browser was shipped by default but it wouldn't be the end of
the world if it wasn't.

The interesting question, it seems, is "does shipping Konqueror as the
default do any *harm*, besides annoying the majority of users who aren't
going to use it as their main browser?" Which I suppose is why we're
discussing about security vulnerabilities.

If the KDE project did not have a browser, would those who are against
shipping any non-native KDE applications be against including an external
browser? If a browser existed, but it was a "bad" browser (think, say, IE6
or worse when it comes to standards support), would it need to be our
default and *only* browser (in the image) by the same rationale?

As it happens, Konqueror is neither of these things, which is why I don't
have a strong opinion on this either way.

Ben Rosser
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