Plan for F22 KDE updates after F23 release?

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Thu Oct 1 16:32:46 UTC 2015

Roderick Johnstone wrote:

> I was wondering what the plan for releasing KDE updates in F22 was
> following the F23 release?
> IIRC, in the past, KDE updates for Fn used to stop when F(n+1) was
> released, but F22 could certainly do with continuing KDE updates. Its
> not convenient for us all to update to F23.

We've historically committed to at least one major kde update per release.  
for F22, we've already done one plasma-5.3 -> plasma-5.4

We can consider doing more (like when 5.5 lands), but that will depend on 
how much work it is, stability, and if it includes any big UI changes.

So, definite maybe.

-- rex

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