KDE 5: controlbar fonts cutted

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Fri Sep 18 12:41:40 UTC 2015

Piotr Gbyliczek wrote:
> In such case I would say it would be very nice to backport it, but I would
> set low priority on that task. If new release would be close, I would be
> very much inclined to let it go and tell everybody to update to latest
> stable.

Low priority is one thing, actively reverting an already backported fix is 
another (because it is actually MORE work). That is deliberate sabotage.

And backporting a bugfix is trivial, it's done in 1 or 2 minutes with git 
cherry-pick (or you commit to the branch first and then merge the branch to 
master, cherry-pick is for when the fix is already in master and you need to 
get it to the branch without merging all the other stuff in master).

> BTW, I personally need to calm myself down every time somebody uses "WTF"
> in an email. You may see it as harmless, but I see a man shouting at me in
> anger, which I don't like. Luckily, I'm not offended by that, indirect
> nature of internet communication makes people less emphatic, but some may
> be.

Sorry, but I simply do not understand your position, and your explanation 
did not help.

        Kevin Kofler

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